Turning Red


    Turning red is a new Dinsey Pixar movie that just came out and it is really good! Plus I love the sense of humor they have in the movie! 
    The main character Mei Mei is 13 years old and lives with her family. She has three best friends too. In Mei Mei's religion instead of celebrating Gods, she celebrates her ancestors. In the show, there is one ancestor that loved animals, especially red pandas. When war started to break out she prayed that she would have the power to turn into a mystical red panda beast to protect her two daughters, and her wish was granted. Through the power of her emotions, she was able to turn into the beast and protect herself, her daughters, and animals. 
    This trait passed down to her daughters, to their daughters, and so on being passed down to every woman in the family. But, as times began to change, the spirit of the red panda became more of a curse.
    Mei Mei, had no idea of this because her mom didn't think that she needed to tell her just yet. 
    Mei Mei otherwise lived a normal life. She was very close to her mom and was always an excellent student. She was always very obedient as well. Mei Mei's mom was always very overprotective of Mei Mei though. Sometimes Mei Mei's mom did things that deeply embarrassed Mei Mei. 
    Mei Mei woke up one day to her being in her red panda form, but she still didn't know what it was. Eventually, after going through the embarrassment of her mom following her to school to make sure she was okay, her mom explained to her everything there was about the red panda. Mei Mei hated this curse and wanted it to be gone, and there was a cure. Her mom also had to go through having the red panda curse but was luckily able to cure it by sealing the spirit of the panda inside a necklace. Any strong emotion though could send the spirit of the red panda coming right back, and then there is nothing you can do about it. Mei Mei also has only one chance to cure the red panda curse, if she fails, then she can never get rid of it. 
    Mei Mei's three best friends soon find out about his curse, but luckily are able to help her. By Mei Mei thinking about her friends, she is able to stay calm, and no strong emotion turns her into the panda. 
    The panda though, makes Mei Mei start to act up more than usual though. Mei Mei becomes the panda at school. She uses the panda to make money so she could go to a concert with her three best friends that they have wanted to for so long. 
    Mei Mei, after that, realizes that the panda is a part of her, and doesn't want to give it up. This thought sent her mother in a burning red rage. Strong emotions overcome Mei Mei's mom and her red panda spirit is sent free. Mei Mei needs to find a way to enjoy the concert and keep her mom at bay. 
    You can find out the rest by watching the movie!

