This Christmas was fun, but a little boring at the same time. On Christmas Eve I got teeth extractions with a total of 3 teeth being removed on my left side. I was put under a calming gas that made me feel really sleepy after. After that, I went to my cousin's house, where there were two more families. One was the cousins of my cousins from their mom's side, I'm related to them from their dad's side though. I wasn't able to eat any grainy food or food that could get stuck in my mouth, so while only eating from my right side I was still able to fit in a few pieces of some chocolate chip cake! We watched a movie, called Encanto. If I had to say a totally honest opinion on the movie I would have to say it was kinda boring, only because the solution to the problem was basically just a hug. But, the message the movie brings is beautiful, so you should really watch it. Did I mention that it was also my aunt's birthday? Yep, my aunt's birthday is on Christmas eve! We ate the cake for her, and all talked and had fun until it was 12:00 PM. At 12:00 PM it is always a special time because that is when we all run to the Christmas tree and rip our presents open! We give out and get gifts which are super exciting and fun. After that, we all show our gratitude and say our goodbyes because it is then time to go home.
On Christmas Day, I got my parent's gift. It was one singular gift, but it was a great one. It was a brand new phone! I was over the moon when I unwrapped the box. I was jumping with joy! My dog also got a gift too! He got a light blue sweater to wear during the chilly weather. Then the rest of the Christmas day was pretty much what happened on any regular weekend. I was able to watch a bunch of Christmas movies though, for example, all three Santa Clauses, A Boy Called Christmas, and Noelle! I also called some of my friends and played some games with them. They also showed me all the gifts that they got that year!
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