Dork Diaries


        Dork Diaries is one of my favorite series of books ever! In the name, you can see diary. That is because the books are diaries of the main character in all of these books, Nikki Maxwell. Nikki has a lot of character development from how book one started all the way to the latest Dork Diary book to come out. I absolutely love the stories of Dork Diaries with all of my heart. 
    One of the main things that I love about the books is that the main character Nikki has one main problem, just like any other book. But then form that main problem a bunch of other rpblems start to branch out. A side from the main prblem tiny probleems also start to happen that makes the amin problem even worse than they may seem. Most of the problems in the books revolves around Mikki's swarn ememy, Mckenzie Hollister. 
    Nikki is a regular girl, with two ofher bestfriends Chole and Zoey. Along with her crush Brandon. Most of Nikki's problems get solved becuase of her two best freinds. Nikki has a a healthy family that consists of a mom, a dad, and her little sister Biranna. Usually, Nikki refersto Biranna in her diary as a spoiled brat, or just any ohter nickname. It's not that nikki is mean to her sister though, it is just the normal sibling magic. Fighting every day over small things. 
Nikki is pretty happy with her life, and all of these books and in really happy endings. If I was Nikki though I have no idea how I would be able to handle so many problems in such a short period of time. Like jsut think of it for a second. One problem is solved and coms out with the best ending ever, and then a week or so later anouther problem emerges. But, I mean come on, Nikki is pretty lucky. I mean it seems that all of her problems gets solved an has the greatest out comes. 
    Anyways, this book is probably one of my favorite series! For many different reasons of course. To a bunch of drama to a happy ending who wouldn't fall in love with the books?!
