Do you believe in ghosts? Well, have you ever specifically believed in the toilet ghost. The toilet ghost is known if you summon them correctly then they will appear. Then, they will give you a wish. Though, only on one condition. You will have to do something for them. It will usually be something so bad, that you will regret ever making the wish, or better yet even summoning then.
The main character in the show decided she would try summoning the ghost. When she did nothing happened. Then suddenly a ghost appeared. The ghost was actually really friendly. The only thing that she wished for was for her crush to like her back. She has been heartbroken before, and she was too shy to go up to her crush. Instead of the ghost giving the wish, he decided to help her in a different way. Because he knew that if she made the wish he would have to make her do something for him, and it would have to be something bad. So, that is when he decided to give her some tips to try to point out to her crush that she likes him. It was a complete fail.
She was so sad and humiliated that she was on the verge of tears. Then she saw a little bag fall out of the ghost's pockets. It was filled with a type of scale. When the ghost saw she had it the ghost said not to do anything with it. The min character was honestly mad at the ghost so instead of listening to eat she plopped it in her mouth. It turned out that it was a scale from a mermaid's tail. If you shared the scale with the one you loved you wouldn't turn into a complete fish. But because she didn't she turned into a complete full-on fish that had to stay in a tank. The ghost did remind her that she had one more wish, and she could wish to be human again. With that being said she did. The ghost ate another scale so she could be human again. But if her skin touched water then scales would start to show.
The ghost, since he ate the mermaid scale meant that the two were bound for life. And each new life they form they will always en dup together. But now it was the time for the ghost to tell her what she needed to do for him. But it actually wasn't bad. She just had to be the ghost's little helper. This lead to the quests where they had to stop other evil beings that were in the school and make sure that they won't hurt anyone in the school.
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