A Tale of Magic


    Normally, I would talk about shows or movies but today I am going to talk about my favorite book of all time, "The Tale of Magic." The reason I love this book a lot is because it has a lot to do with women's rights. It is also a book written by one of my favorite authors. I have read his series of the "Land of Stories" and I have read his book "A Tale of Witchcraft." These books are fantasy books and when you read them you can't stop.
    This book is about a girl named Crystal, who lived in a village where not just her village, but the whole entire planet banished magic. They have moved all magical creatures and witches, as so they called them, to a horrible forest. No human should ever go there though, since the magical things that live there hate and human-being that seems to be in their way. People of the law say they did it in the name of "God," but they really just did it for power. 
    Brystal comes from a family where she only has older brothers. They were all studying to be a high-ranked judge, just like their father. Brystal, on the other hand, seen as a weak girl, went to a school only made for girls where they studied home cleaning, cooking, etc. In her village and around the world, people see women as helpless people, and the only good thing they could really do was bring new people into the world, or stay at home and clean. Brystal never wanted this though, if anything she wishes she was her brother so she could go to real school and study the law. Brystal was seen as a strange girl at her school because of this, but could never let her father know or else she would be killed, maybe even slaughtered to death. Even though Brystal wasn't allowed to as a girl and all, she still found a way to read. Her brother would have to go to the library for school, and he would bring extra home to let brystal read. Brystal has been caught many times for reading, but luckily not by her dad, it was by her mom. But her mom always warned her that she would tell her if it keeps going on. But then, there was a problem. Her brother was going off to college, and she had no one to get her books. Sad, she started walking through the village to see a sign outside the library saying hiring staff to clean. this was a perfect chance for her to steal books! She was able to take the job, but only after the library was closed. She took the job and was able to steal several books when one day she found this one book she seemed to be very interested in. she pulled on it but it wouldn't come out. Then she saw a door open, it was only for people high on law, but she decided to go in anyway. She looked inside the book, started reading and a spell happened. AJust then her father and his fellow workers walk in, and he went into a rage. He sent her away to a camp to," fix her from her illness." She was punished gravely for every small tiny thing that she has done at the camp and was starved. But then something happened that was so unexpected.
    Now, Brystal needs to defeat a monster before it takes over all of the kingdoms. And she is able to do this all with magic by her side...
