The Owl House is one of my favorite TV shows! Some people say that it's a type of anime, but some people don't really think that. This show in my opinion is really interesting! This ordinary teenaged girl named Luz always wanted to be a witch, just like a character in her favorite book! But she seemed to think it was too much of a reality that her mom had to send her to reality camp which lasted for 3 whole months. She put a bunch of her non-realistic toys and books in a garbage bag while waiting for the bus to come to pick her up when a little owl came took the bag and flew away. Luz started running after the owl getting her stuff back. Then the owl went into this dark shed. She followed it and was in a whole different world full of monsters, demons, and witches. She met Eda the Owl Lady, who got cursed as a child and when stressed or angry turned into an owl beast. This curse also took away her powers so she became a powerless witch. She also met Eda's little pet King, who is a demon dog. Luz decides to stay with Eda and King to try to learn to become a witch herself. But one day the portal that she would use to go back home to the human realm broke, and now she just wants to find a way home. Each day learning how to become a witch while doing daring quests with King and Eda, uncovering new secrets every day! The ultimate goal of this show is to try to free people. The Emperor, Emperor Bellos made covents so that when a witch joins a convent they can't do any other magic than what they joined. Doing more than one covent magic is illegal, and is called wild magic. But Luz and Eda know that it is wrong to make a witch only do one type of magic for the rest of their lives and that Emperor Bellos is just trying to control people. That's why they want to one day take down the Emperor and free witches. That's a bit about The Owl House!
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